The 2023 Revealed Exhibition for new and emerging WA Aboriginal Artists.

The annual Revealed exhibition and market provides a unique opportunity for Perth arts lovers to meet artists from all over W.A to hear rich stories of culture and community.

It all began with an email from a friend, asking if this program was something I would be interested in. When I read that Revealed provides an ethical avenue for purchasing original art from art centres and independent artists across the state, with 100% of profits returning directly to the participants, it was something I wanted to support and be a part of.

I contributed two oil paintings to the exhibition and a tent full of artworks for the market. I was overwhelmed with the support from my fellow friends in the industry and the community.

I walked away from this experience wanting to tell everyone about it a recommend any artist to look into joining when the time calls.


Digital art banners for SMTAFE


The Yorga Djenna Bidi Aboriginal Women’s Leadership Program