My Story

The year I conceived my daughter, I set an intention—to be as informed as possible; to no longer speak while being spoken to, but to give 100% of my attention; to listen; to learn, with the aim to become the most aligned, authentic version of myself as a woman and as a Mother.

Stories are medicine. Medicine that does not require us to be or do anything, only listen.

These thoughts of mine I believe most clearly express my story. A short run though these life altering events show what lead me to my place now.

I entered the world in 1991 in a small town called Narrogin, Place Of Water. My family travelled across the country to Karratha and then to Boorloo (Perth).

Growing up, I can't remember a time when I wasn’t exposed to art. Both my mum and nan, who are celebrated Aboriginal artists/authors, are constantly telling the stories of our culture and family history through their art. It is no wonder I was inspired to create from an early age. The wisdom and knowledge from the strong matriarchs of my family guided me through the hardest parts of my youth.

I was raised in a family under the Christian God, that eventuated into a family defined by its fragmentation. My early teen years saw me in yet another cycle of domestic abuse and disfunction and had me moving out of home at the age of 16. There was Joy, when I was found in my nanas garden, or with mum—hands and face covered in paint. I started my own art enterprise at 16: going out bush with nan, collecting natural fibres to make my own paper, then creating hand crafted cards. A Hairdressing apprenticeship came my way and that put an end to any energy I had to put into my craft. Hairdressing was my life for 14 years, alongside a relationship that became an antagonistic marriage.

When I set myself free of that toxic environment my whole world was turned upside-down. My being was shaken and lost.

Yoga found me, a lone sheep in a paddock trying to find my way home. I practiced yoga on a daily basis, some days more than once. Quite rapidly there was an untangling of dusty webs and I was back on the road toward my true calling. I found myself in the activities that called for me—that missed me as much as I missed them—daily ocean swims, playing my guitar, growing, cooking and eating nourishing foods, and of course, art. It was only natural that I wanted to know more about this movement that allowed me to grow and heal, finding joy once again. So, I studied to become a Yoga Teacher, deepening the knowledge of myself and learning how to walk alongside others on their journey home.

There was a deep change calling for me during this time and I confided in my own Mother like never before. I quite frequently found myself travelling to my nans to walk with her and do women’s healing business. The country felt like home to me. It felt safe.

Before turning 30, my partner, Chris and I made the decision to move away from the city. We both needed fresh air and stars, space to make our dreams come true. It is a love story, one that is deserving of its own book. There, in Mount Barker, my great, great grandfather’s country, we had room to think, to make, and do. Once again, Art became a daily practice for me. But this time I made it my profession.

My most proud, powerful slice of life so far, is giving birth to our beautiful child, Kai. With the birth of my daughter, I have found an even greater well of creativity and inspiration. More than that, my daughter has helped me evolve into the matriarch of my own family, and I find I have a rich tale of my own to share with the next generation. My Noongar/Yamatji heritage has influenced both my work and my connection to the land I work on: currently the beautiful Whadjuk Boodja.

The stories of our foremothers have shaped my own values and understanding of a deep culture, to which I can now proudly say I make a unique and valuable contribution. I have been called to continue the legacy of the three generations of artists before me, sharing the love of heritage and forming connections in a vast network, through art.

My own styles are perpetually transforming. The mediums and methods I implement are largely guided by my intuition. It is one way I avoid stagnation and grow as an artist. I am inspired by my spiritual connection to country, the elements of nature, and the astral bodies that pepper the night sky.

We become attracted to certain stories because in some way they resonate with us. Its my hope that by putting my narratives out there, I can share some insight into something that may be what you need to hear in the moment. Or maybe it is you that wish to share a story with me, in order to collaborate in some way.

It is my hope that together we can share old and new stories, like medicine for our broken relationship with Earth.


My Very Own Rose.