Narrative of Emily Rose

A written account of connected experiences: my story.

Emily Rose Emily Rose

Exchange Country

Since returning from up North a couple of months ago now, there is not a day I wake with out feeling privileged to have planned this trip to the south of W.A. To guide Juluwarlu artists…

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Emily Rose Emily Rose

Exchange Country

Exchange Country is a new series of projects thanks to the City of Melville. In particular, this is an opportunity for collaboration between the Juluwarlu Art Group and myself.

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Emily Rose Emily Rose

My Very Own Rose.

I was much younger and not in a position to tell my truth, but if I was I would have told my friends and family that my vision of starting a family was slipping away. That had not made sense to me…

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Emily Rose Emily Rose

My Story

The year I conceived my daughter, I set an intention, to listen and learn from as many sources around me as possible . . .

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