
Koolang, listen. Listen, to the knowledge shared by nan, around the crackle of the camp fire. Listen, to the messages left upon solid foundations that were intended to carry a legacy. Listen, the Moojar trees whisper, soft stories of once was, now imbedded in boodja enduringly. Listen, to the lessons from Mother, how to read the land and its seasons. To be quiet. To make informed desisions to pave the path forward. Listen is a painting of my Koolang (child) sitting upon the solid foundations of the land. She is quiet, listening to what her elders past and present have to teach. She is ready to grow with the guidance of Mother and mumma.

This was my contribution to the Noongar Country Exhibition at BRAG. With the 2023 Theme of For Our Elders.

I am honored to say that this artwork won the Alcoa Award 2023.


OMTID - Celebrating Staff Connections